
Seminary Object Lesson

Goes like this.

Attwood: I have these two glasses, one is completely covered in dirt. the other, sparkly clean.

I need a volunteer.

[Mitchel Powell volunteers.]

Attwood: Which glass would you like to drink out of Mitch?

Mitch: The Clean one.

Attwood: OK, and you're SURE you want this one?

Mitch: Yep.

[Attwood then pours clean water into both glasses. Little did we know, the clean one had dirt at the bottom and the one that looked dirty was clean inside. Attwood starts drinking out of the one that is dirty outside.]

Attwood: Well, Drink up Mitch.

And Mitch starts drinking it.

It really was like an "Office" episode.
Mitch being Dwight.
And Attwood being Michale Scott.

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