
puffy cheetos

oh my family is the greatest.
well let me tell you.

dear sydnee is very protective of her food.
for example, this was written on her bag of puffy cheetos"

Do Not EAT!!!
These are pieces of poop covered in cheese!"

oh, so convincing.

P.S. this blog will be 10X funnier if you go read this post from Lauren's Blog...


Mrs. Roberts.

Those 2nd Graders are going to be so lucky.

Good Luck Mrs. Roberts!!!



The pothole.

note to self:
from now on, always make sure you are using your own toothbrush.... because apparently sydnee randomly decides to put her's on my sink...

Oh, and did I mention that she is sick?

yeah, hello cold you couldn't have come at a more inconvenient time.



This picture may be pretty (ok ok it is really pretty...)
But I really just hate winter.
Why does everything have to be so cold???

**When I was little I always wished snow was warm... and now, thinking about it, I was a brilliant child.



In case you were wondering... that's me. You know, under all of those bricks.

{why couldn't my teachers use cotton candy or something... everybody likes cotton candy}


Keith Urban: "Put You In A Song" Music Video

just listen.
& love.

Kid History - Episode 1

Just watch.
It will make your day better.
I promise.


I'm gonna put you in a song

Me and Keith cleaned my room today.
Well actually he just serenaded me while I did all of the cleaning.
If your wondering what to give me for Christmas, 2 letters
C & D

particularly this one:

Oh, and Oprah told me that the deluxe version is great... hint hint



I don't know how but I think my Harry Potter experience was better than yours.
just sayin'



My Grandpa gave me a power bracelet today.

Yeah, I feel pretty cool

BYU BYU where the girls are girls and the boys are too

Let me tell you the most important difference between BYU and UVU.
It's not that there is no smoking.
It's not that there is no scantly dressed females.
It's not that my pumpkin goes there.
It's not that I know that I can find my prince charming there and live happily ever after. -gag.
It's not that BYU has the best Graphic Design program in the STATE.
(Although that is a main attraction.)

It's because the first time I e-mailed BYU professionals I actually got an e-mail back!!!
Thank you for your promptness.
It makes me want to go there even more.

My UVU e mail experiences here and here.



Is it weird that I want children so I can make them cute little blankets and dresses and stuffed animals?
AND that I have written 3 meaningless blogs all today.
... can you tell that I am extremely good at procrastinating?

3 inches

a). People that use a bluetooth outside of their car look schizophrenic.
I just had to get that one out there.

b). Old women need to realize that they are not in the depression anymore and 3 inches of spare fabric is not going to kill them.
And 3 inches is not an exaggeration.

c). The weekend could not come sooner.

Is it bad that I want to finish school asap?


You are well on your way parents...

My Parents want to get passes to the Rec. Center.
My dad was wishing he was a senior citizen so he could get the senior citizen discount.
Not Normal.

But don't worry dad.
You're not too far from getting that discount, then you can finally exercise...



Thank you Daughtry


Sometimes I wish my thoughts just skimmed the surface.
I hate thinking about the future.


holding hands

you should try it sometime.


Physics 1040

Astronomy can die.


I remembered it...

I think I should write a book titled...

who needs them.

But really, in my experience, they are probably some of the biggest flakes I have ever come into contact with.

Today: was told to just come and sign up for an appointment on her door.
It would have been nice if she could have shown up for the appointment too.
did I also mention that this is the same women that didn't e mail me back for 2.5 weeks last summer??? I thought she was getting paid to help people like me. But who am I to know...

6ish months ago: DIFFERENT counselor. same problem. they actually hired mrs. "helpful" (above) to spread the work load of this lovely counselor.

All of High School: Mr. Poopiepants was very very nice to the parents but a jerkhead to the student. more about hewhomustnotbenamed here.

And if we want to venture back to Jr. High, I had a lady that I met with once and her name was Ms. Roundy. And boy, was she round. She even had a tattoo of whinnie the pooh on her ankle... sexy.

Well my friends. Thanks for the venting. And really, I am so sick of counselors that give no counseling that I want to vomit.... all over their faces.

I had a really good idea for a blog, but then I forgot it. So you should just watch this instead...


Somedays I wish I had an automatic...

stall once - no big deal
stall twice - something is wrong
stall three times - look down and realize that you better get out of second stupid Holly.
I'm sorry all of the cars behind me for waisting that precious green arrow.
Oh, and thank you for not honking at me.
Really, Thanks.


Planet Earth Turns slowly

Yes ma'am, I got to see Owl City... Again.

With these people
+ G&M Hendrickson

It was mucho mucho fun.


Don't worry, It's not like I know these people or anything. . .

But ladies and gentlemen (or maybe just Lauren)
Naomi and Josh are having a baby.
yes. a baby.

Please go look at their wonderful blog (minus the dog)


First Day O School

Well, another plus of living at home (and I can't believe I overlooked this when I was making my list of pros to staying home. . . )1st Day of school pictures in front of the door.

Yes, we are 100% matching.


Barbie legs my friends

There has got to be a plus to having your classes only 10 minutes appart on the opposite sides of campus. And I think I've figured it out.
Barbie Legs.
Yes, my friends.
Come January, my legs are gonna be . . . let's face it, hot.

{Why somebody posts {even takes the picture in the first place!} a picture of barbie legs surrounded by silk is beyond me. Thank you google images}


Retainer Girl

I have a retainer.
(and I have no clue how it ended up out of my mouth and onto my window sill last night)


(scholarships stink)^2

once again,
Scholarships stink.

I go to my UVU e-mail and see that there is an e mail from a random with the subject "Scholarship". . . open it up and see that they just like to taunt me.

Here's the e mail in a nutshell:
UVU has WAY to many students (because we're stupid enough to not turn anybody down) therefore scholarships are pretty much impossible for those of you (me) waiting on our scholarship wait list.

Nothing like getting your hopes up.


all the single ladies

put your hands up,
and catch that bouquet!

. . . have I ever mentioned how much I hate that part of weddings?? {I know, I know you probably didn't think I hated anything about weddings. . . }

It's really fun for, the bride, the mother of the bride, the father of the bride and all the unsingle people. *** NOTICE: ALL of these people are married and therefore don't have to go into the mob of marriage hungry females.

But me? I'm the girl that suddenly denies being female when that part of the night comes.

. . . maybe someday in about 10 years when I get married, I'll finally appreciate this little tradition. maybe.


I know a girl that. . .

kissed a boy.
and she liked it.

{AND I'm the LAST to know!}


I meant to do this yesterday, but. . .

Happy Birthday Adam!

thanks for being such a great brother.
Hope you had a good day


Read this when your room is messy.

dejunking is a good good thing.
clean clothes is a good thing.
a made bed is a good thing.
clean surfaces are good things.
emptied trash cans is a good thing.
folded quilts are a good thing.
vacuumed carpet is a good thing.
the smell of febreeze is a good thing.
a CLEAN room is a great thing.

So Holly, if your room is messy, go clean it, you'll feel much better. I promise.


well blah blah blah

Scholarships stink.
Just sayin'


John Mayer

Who wants to join me?


July 29th 2010


I sure hope your dream was better than mine.
At least it was just a dream. . .


A little sister. (& an old grandpa)

It's their birthday today you know. . .
She: 13
He: 81
She: my little sister
He: my kissy grandpa

I love them both. I really do.
Happy Birthday you two.




I really wish EVERYBODY could just pass all of their tests.
AP classes are hard enough as it is...
I remember last year I got a 2 on my silly APUS test last year.
and it is not fun.
that's all.

good, no GREAT day

was a great day.

woke up.
ate a yummy peach.
played with my baby (itouch)
went to work.
got a text telling me my dear friend PASSED 2 of her ap tests (!)
coming home to a little white envelope telling me. . .
calculus & Language/composition.
(which, honestly I was shocked about the english one...)
then opened up my new robot.
started playing with my robot.
went to institute.
came home.
started binding my quilty. (with my old lady friend stuck in a teenage body. chelsea).

... the only downside to this day is that mr. decided to go to st. george again. But I'll manage.

overall. GREAT day.


living at home = more $$$ = better computer.

well after doing some MORE research on the wonderful world of apple. . . my brilliant geeky cousin convinced me that a macbook is just perfect for me.
so now. . .
it IS official!!
this sweet little robot will be mine in a few short days...

and yes, baby is coming with it.
(sorry dad, i've never had a baby. you've had 4)
Still not official. . . but kind of official.
This (most likely) will be . . . my new friend.

Also. . . he comes with this little baby. . .
pretty sweet deal yeah?


Not even 24 hours later. . .


. . . well that was easy.
And I feel 100% good about my decision.


A decision made a little too late.

"you have to sell your contract if you don't want it anymore"

these words made me want to cry. (don't worry, I waited until I was off the phone).

Yep, I'm really wanting to live at home. . . again.
I just really like my house I guess.
. . .and the fact that it is free rent.
. . .and I won't have to live with a bunch of girls. . . oh wait.
. . .and I will probably end up saving gasoline
-with the use of carpooling and not driving from Provo to Alpine every time I want to come home
. . .and I can keep my old lady job.
. . .and I kind of like the people here in Alpine/Highland.

I hope somebody wants it.

Because I sure don't.

And that's final.


more fire

Can I just say, I LOVE fireworks.
It was the perfect end to a dreadfully boring day.


Bread anyone?

I tried to be domestic today.

I observed that our bananas were going brown so I decided to make banana bread.

It ended up as pumpkin bread. . . you'd think that after I searched the house for canned pumpkin I would realize, hey, banana bread doesn't have pumpkin in it. . . it has, BANANAS!

I think that recipes should have their own page in cookbooks.

My poor, poor future family.

So if you're hungry for some bread, banana or pumpkin, we've got 4 loaves chillin here at my house.



yeah baby! We're DONE!!!


I've never liked the beach boys

but wouldn't it be nice if we were older?
. . . yeah, It definitely would.

Works of FIRE


First this:
Then this:And this: (minus the children)

Then. . . THIS:

{It was a good day}


Why am I so boring?

I feel like I just don't have the motivation to be active and such.

New Summer Goals:

Get out of my grandma stage.

Be more spontaneous.

& don't be so BORING.


Happy Birthday Darlings

Happy Birthday to my 2 darlings.

(3 if you count the squash monster)


No more Mr. Poopie face

Well. . . I did it.
I'm d o n e done.

Last week during my Calculus test I had forgotten to check the box on my student book saying I was taking another AP test later. So today during my (last :)) AP test today, Mr. Poopie face (Campbell) had to run down to the counseling office to retrieve it (you should know that at least 2 other people in my room forgot too, so he wasn't just doing it for me). Upon his arrival, the room started getting really cold and the windows started fogging up, somebody yelled "dementors!!" but it was only Mr. Campbell bringing our books back. He graciously handed the 2 other people their books then crouched down by my desk and informed me (with breath that almost melted off my skin) that, in the future, I had to check the box of the other tests i was taking.

Then it dawned on me.

There is no AP test future. . . and very best. . .
There is no more Mr. Campbell.
No more Mr. Poopie Face.



How I long for the 12th of May

I really can't wait until May 12th is over.
No Katie, it is not because you will have been happily married for 5 years.
It is not because it is a Wednesday.
It is not because I love mutual.
It is not because the next day is Thursday. Even though I really do like thursdays. . .


It is because my AP tests will be OVER.
and ever.
& you know what else?. . .I'll be able to nap again. everyday.

Oh how I long for the 12th of May.



How would you like to get to school, open up your lunch bag and find this??

~Watch out future children.



[–adjective,grouch·i·er, grouch·i·est.
sullenly discontented; sulky; morose; ill-tempered.]

I'm sorry. I think I am over my grouchyness.


April 16th 2010

I really miss you girls.

One year down.
I can't wait to see them again.


What the Prom?!

I think we're pretty cute.
No, we are not going to a funeral.
I have no clue what you are talking about if you say that it took me possibly five minutes to pin that crazy flower on his jacket.
. . . And Katie, that last picture is for you.

Oh, Prom.
What fun.