
I remembered it...

I think I should write a book titled...

who needs them.

But really, in my experience, they are probably some of the biggest flakes I have ever come into contact with.

Today: was told to just come and sign up for an appointment on her door.
It would have been nice if she could have shown up for the appointment too.
did I also mention that this is the same women that didn't e mail me back for 2.5 weeks last summer??? I thought she was getting paid to help people like me. But who am I to know...

6ish months ago: DIFFERENT counselor. same problem. they actually hired mrs. "helpful" (above) to spread the work load of this lovely counselor.

All of High School: Mr. Poopiepants was very very nice to the parents but a jerkhead to the student. more about hewhomustnotbenamed here.

And if we want to venture back to Jr. High, I had a lady that I met with once and her name was Ms. Roundy. And boy, was she round. She even had a tattoo of whinnie the pooh on her ankle... sexy.

Well my friends. Thanks for the venting. And really, I am so sick of counselors that give no counseling that I want to vomit.... all over their faces.


lindsey; said...


what were you trying to be counseled on?

Holly Sparks said...

my sudden emotional breakdown without you... or my classes.