
The Creek

I felt like a little kid again when me and my friend Dallin went and played in a creek in ceder hills today.
it was freezing! but so much fun!
... The last time I was there, I was with Alexis and her cousins Ben and Richard. And the time before that was with Alexis and Dallin. It was weird to be there without her.
Me and Dallin talked a little bit about our dear friend.
If it wasn't for her, Dallin probably wouldn't be my friend.

I remember last year when me, Dallin and Alexis went to the creek for the first time it was raining and we all held hands when we went down the tunnel together. Our feet got all cut up from the rocks, we went swinging on the elemantry school playground and I managed to get blood from my foot on Dallins shirt.

I can still see how happy she was letting her hair down and swinging. That was one of the best days ever. I know she was watching us be kids again as we splashed around finding "treasures" and laughing.